Monday, July 4, 2011

"Crowning Glory" or Crown of Frizzy?

"Long, beautiful, gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen... I adore hair!"  ~James Rado and Gerome Ragni, Hair

Ah hair. We as women really do tend to have a rather complicated love/hate (or maybe just hate/hate) relationship with our locks. I've read that, besides weight, if women could change just one feature about themselves that most of them would choose their hair.
 I'm biracial so I was born with extremely curly and frizzy hair. From a very early age I remember my mom trying her best to rake a brush through my curls while I tearfully sat through the pain. After I was old enough to take care of it myself all I remember is woefully pulling it all back into a bun day after day because it was too wild for any other style. I desperately wanted long, shiny, straight hair that blew romantically in the wind. So when I was 15 i started chemically straightening my hair. While it wasn't the miracle i was looking for (i still had to use a flat iron to get the hair really smooth) it was a lot better than nothing and I still relax my hair to this day.
 Most women/girls I know care a lot about their hair. We wake up a few minutes earlier so we can fix it just right, we go into a panic attack if our stylists announce they are moving away, we wade through all the shampoos, conditioners and sprays trying to find the miracle product that will give us our dream hair. Men on the other hand do not seem to understand this. They can get away with being able to walk into any barbershop where a complete stranger will snip away for about 10-15 minutes and somehow they almost always come out looking just fine. Men say, "Don't worry about it. Its just hair." Yeah...right. *eye roll*

                            How many of you have done this at some point in your life?

    After a lifetime of watching Pantene commercials I think we would all much rather be this girl:

I had trouble figuring out what direction I wanted this post to take. My friend Emily suggested I talk about being content with what God gives you. To be honest, my first thought was how do I write about something that I'm not? I'm not happy with the hair God gave me. After all I have spent a fortune over the years trying to change it. I don't know when (if ever) I will be truly satisfied with the way my hair is. But I do know that I can work on being more thankful. I've also been watching a lot of YouTube tutorials of different hairstyles. I've tried out a few of them with pretty good success.
So God, I'm not sure why you didn't give me the long flowy hair of my dreams but, hey, thanks for giving me hair in the first place ;)

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