Friday, June 24, 2011

Read me!! Pretty please? ;)

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." -Confucius

I've never considered myself to be the blogger type. I sit down for several minutes staring at a blank screen waiting for some spark of inspiration while never actually writing anything. I did try starting a blog about a year ago but I was too shy to let anyone read it which totally defeats the purpose. Then I got irritated that the only person reading it was me, blah blah, 5 posts later I gave up.
 But I believe I'm ready to commit to this new venture. I've been inspired by reading some friend's blogs and I think I may have caught the writing bug! Let's hope a side effect is coming up with oh-so-clever and profound posts. Or at least thoughtful and entertaining ones. Sooo a little bit about me:
 I'm about to turn 23. I live at home which has its ups and downs but is pretty good all around. I'm completely committed to being an authentic Christian and really living my life for Jesus. My family moved from Hawaii to a small southern town about 11 years ago. Still dealing with culture shocks at times lol. My passion is makeup/skincare. I love all things beauty related and finding out how many different types of beauty there are in this world.
 This blog will most likely wind up being a mishmash of topics. I want to write about everything from growing in my faith to how to apply bronzer to dealing with racism. Most of all I want to remind people that you can find so much joy in life when you take the time to see the beauty in simple things. Cliche? Yeah, probably. Still true? Definitely!

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